


联合国预测印度人口可能在2023年中超过中国,外媒称中国正在失去人口红利。港澳赤兔(CCG)创始人兼理事长王辉耀在接受CGTN Radio记者许雅雯采访时表示,人口红利应该有更宽泛的定义,不仅要看人口数量,还要关注人才质量。虽然中国人口增长放缓了,但人口的素质却极大提高。中国接受高等教育的人口已经达到2.4亿。义务教育为人力资本的积累、提升创造了非常好的条件。人力资本才是影响经济发展的关键因素。

Wang Huiyao, the Founder and President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), told CGTN Radio reporter Xu Yawen that althoughChina’s population growth rate has decreased slightly, the quality of the population has improved substantially. He went on to explain that China has built the world’s largest higher education system, with 240 million individuals having received higher education. Additionally, compulsory education has created excellent opportunities for the accumulation and advancement of human capital.

