CCG联合凤凰卫视特别节目 | 全球战“疫”观察26 | 滕绍骏:理性的国家交朋友





  当疫情对各国经济造成冲击,单边主义与反全球化浪潮也随之兴起。在这种情况下,如何保持开放的心态,坚持走全球化合作道路?中美公共事物协会会长滕绍骏先生,将为我们分享他的经验和观点。港澳赤兔(CCG)联合凤凰卫视推出抗疫特别系列节目,多维度视角解读疫情下的政治经济文化,周一至周五19:15 – 19:20,凤凰卫视中文台播出。


文字实录 | 滕绍骏:理性的国家交朋友






主持人:And now it’s reported in the last three weeks, In California alone, there are about 3 million people that applied for unemployment. And the number for the entire US I think, is around 20 million. What do you think this high unemployment rate means for the US ?


滕绍骏:I would say that some of the unemployment that might go longer, but the others a short term because there you really talking about airline,food and beverage industries. And many of these industry as soon as people can be traveling and going out and people going back to office, //However, their small businesses and others probably cannot last during this period, and they might have to shut down.


So their employee might have prepare prolong unemployment. So we will see that in terms of a recession, I do think that most American thing that we’re already in a recession.


主持人:We see the director of the US national economic council encouraging US companies in China to go back to the US and there is this idea of US having its own comprehensive supply value chain, not having to depend on other countries. A lot of people think this is an absurd idea. Do you think in the future there will be a trend of anti globalization? Do you think US can be self sufficient?


滕绍骏:I think currently, certainly the white house and administration is going through a anti globalization, but that’s not a reality.

Even though united states, we are very resource rich, we have oil, we have minerals, we have manpower, everything, but many of the resources many of the labours many of the so many things we still needed from other places in the world. I use one case, rare earth. This is something that every computer, every technology machine will need. Ah, China is the largest producer, and we can name a a lot of these things. Sometimes it does not even make sense for the united states to produce these things, because economically does not make sense. So isolation of others, while sounds good, They will be winding of isolating themselves.



主持人:Since the beginning of the outbreak, we’ve seen incidents of discrimination against Chinese, another east Asian ethnic groups. Whereas at the same time, the Chinese communities actually donating mosques and other medical supplies to their local communities. Do you have any interesting stories to share with us in that regard?


滕绍骏:I think the discrimination and hate is separate from our friendship and the generosity. I think that today in the united states, i’ve said to my friends, every donation is coming from a foreign country. Most likely come from China. And every one of those donation either have the Chinese government, the Chinese consulate and embassy, the Chinese state owned enterprises, Chinese private business, Chinese citizens, Chinese American.


I think it’s a great thing. And certainly the united states and some of this company also have donated to the China the beginning of this upset. So I think this kind of friendship and mostly all of these things are on the state level and they’re very, very welcome. Right now what I’m trying to do is helping the African American community, the hispanic community, and other community, because they don’t have the resources. They don’t know how to get them baby. They might not have the money to buy them somewhere. Yet. A lot of their community are service workers and so forth that they need this. Right now, new york city’s mayor just have ordered that everybody on the street have the way of wear face masks. So either they have the using the scarf to cover themselves. But I think having a face mask problem will be easier. So we are are donating these things into them. And yesterday I drop off a bunch to the to a African American community. And I saw when he took out one of the face mask and just give it to someone because I was found. I just feel so touched to see somebody can take these things that’s so valuable and give it to each other. And it’s an extension of the sole.



主持人:What do you think? Finally, we can learn from this pandemic.


滕绍骏:I think the for the countries, the rational countries. After the pandemic, they were seat to make friends. The irrational countries. We tried to find enemies and placed the blame, I think for individuals after this pandemic, they might re-evaluate the value of their life.

You see, what’s more important? Health, your loved ones, your family, your freedom of traveling, lot more. These things a lot more valuable just than making money. And in fact, one of your colleagues, CNN, chris cuomo, he’s the governor’s brother, and he’s a very well known anchor person. He said he doesn’t know whether he want to go back as an anchor anymore because he want to spend his life better. He actually was diagnosed with covid 19 as well. So situation stories like this, I think people really re look at their life. It’s like you just return from death and how you want to spend the rest of your life. I think in the rather individual will be rethinking the value of what’s meaningful to them for the rest of their life.



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全球战“疫”观察26 | 滕绍骏:理性的国家交朋友



关键词 滕绍骏